Rank Fuse Digital Marketing Lands Spot on Ingram’s 100 Fastest-Growing Companies List

Rank Fuse Digital Marketing, formerly Rank Fuse Interactive, comes in at #30 on Ingram?s 100 Fastest-Growing Companies of 2020. The list showcases Kansas City businesses that are experiencing rapid growth in gross revenue.

Rank Fuse Digital Marketing, which opened its doors in 2015, operates with a team of employees to provide search engine optimization, paid search, content marketing, web development, and other digital marketing services to companies in both B2B and B2C sectors.

Founder and President Kevin Pike credits the company?s growth to his dedicated team. With a 247.14% increase in gross revenue over the course of three years, the entire Rank Fuse team is proud to have reached over $1.3 million in sales for 2019.

Using the knowledge and tools received from his mentors early in his career, Pike developed a formula for growth that has help Rank Fuse bring in clients in need of advanced digital marketing services.

Pike said, ?Looking back, I?m amazed at how much we do with such a small team. All the credit goes to the fantastic employees and wonderful companies and partners we get to work with every day.?

This small team of six is able to service the needs of 60 clients and agency partners, all with various different needs. The individualized approach that Rank Fuse takes for each account leads to better results for these clients and partners and sets Rank Fuse apart from other digital marketing agencies.

As for his team, Pike said, ?I?m lucky to work with a group of people who are dedicated to being great at what they do and making us better every day.?

Ingram?s is a business/report publication that has been in Kansas City since 1975. For the last 35 years, Ingram?s has produced a list of the 100 Fastest-Growing Companies in Kansas City, which now includes a 22-county area around Kansas City proper.

With 75,000 businesses in the greater Kansas City area, landing on this list means Rank Fuse is among the top 1% of businesses in terms of growth.

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