Case Study

NVA Compassion First

The Challenge

Scale Google Ads & SEO Across 30+ Local Brands

Compassion-First Pets Hospitals has a nationwide network of 30+ veterinary hospitals in need of a flexible and reliable digital marketing agency that could scale and manage local campaigns across multiple brands.

The Solution

Paid Search Strategy: Each brand had its own budget and ad account that we custom built based on the services and focus of each brand. Every website had phone call tracking, as well as appointment tracking, so we can accurately report on lead volume, cost per conversion, and return on ad spend (ROAS).

618% ROAS

-2021 Return on Ad Spend

SEO & Content Strategy: Every hospital started with a technical SEO audit and optimization to ensure the website was optimized for priority keywords. Where the budget allowed, Rank Fuse would write and publish articles on client blogs. If domain authority were an issue vs. competition, we would generate backlinks.

The Results

SEO Results: All of the sites showed improved traffic growth. Most websites saw a spike in traffic the month after our initial technical SEO work and then continued to increase steadily. From 2020 to 2021, organic traffic grew an average of 37.5%, with
the highest YOY growth for a website at 152%.

Paid Search Results: We helped grow their business from a small group of hospitals spending under $10K/month to managing over $250K in annual ad spending across 30 websites. Each brand having multiple locations means we managed 50+ vet locations. Each campaign was uniquely managed, and we improved monthly, quarterly, and year over-year toward our KPI goals.
Our primary KPI was cost-per-call. This conversion metric improved over a five-year period from $6.83 to $3.51 in 2021, a nearly 50% decrease. Focusing the budget on the best keywords that were most likely to convert and drive revenue for the business, we
recommended a small budget decrease vs. 2020, and we were still able to improve the ROI and keep the same level of call volume.

The 192K clicks we drove in 2021 with a 1% conversion rate produced 3,840 new customers for Compassion-First Animal Hospitals. With an average customer invoice of $500/per vet emergency, the many new customers drove $1.9M in revenue for the parent company.

Based on this data, the Return on ad spend (ROAS) for NVA Compassion-First Google Ads in 2021 was 618%.